Need to hire full-stack developers? Grid Dynamics can help you put together a team of the most talented software engineers — a team you manage directly, while we handle things such as payroll, workspace, and taxes.

This handpicked group of professionals will work full-time with you as a dedicated team or on a product-oriented delivery model, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Grid Dynamics Full-Stack Development Services

Custom Full-Stack Development

Grid Dynamics full-stack developers will help you develop both the front-end and the back-end parts of your product. Grid Dynamics full-stack developers are multi-faceted professionals in UI, server, and database programming, so they’ll provide you with all necessary expertise to build your product from scratch.

Scaling of Your Existing Platform

Via utilizing their comprehensive development skills, Grid Dynamics full-stack engineers will fulfill a broad range of your business needs. Grid Dynamics full-stack developers will scale your platform and at the same time reduce the need to hire developers from versatile domains.

Data Integration and Migration

Grid Dynamics full-stack developers will integrate your product with internal and external platforms. They will ensure that the front-end and back-end parts of your product work consistently, ensuring the high quality of the end user’s experience.

Continuous Support of Your Product

Grid Dynamics full-stack programmers will provide all-round support to your platform on each stage of the development process. They can handle versatile projects starting from database management to building a fully realised website.

Here’s What You Get If You Hire Full-Stack Developers with Grid Dynamics

Quick Recruitment

We have attained a vast database of skilled specialists, meaning that our recruiters will be able to find you suitable full-stack developers within 4–6 weeks.

Agile Consultant

Our in-house agile consultant will ensure a team is up to scratch with the latest software development practices.

Office Space

Each full-stack developer you get with us will be given a fully-equipped workstation in one of our development centers or remotely.

Support Staff

All of our clients are supported by service delivery specialists, accountants, system administrators, office managers, and travel agents. These professionals will help you build rapport with a dedicated full-stack developers team, assist with maintaining smooth office communication, and help implement effective team management strategies resulting in desirable final products.

Team Retention

We understand you will be interested in hiring full-stack developers for an extended period of time, so we put the utmost focus on retention. Our retention managers focus specifically on ensuring you have a happy team, who will in turn produce positive work. We’ll host regular meetups and corporate events — all with the ultimate goal of providing a fun, yet efficient office environment.

Administrative Support

Your focus will be on the most important matter: the development process. We’ll handle the taxes, payroll, vacations and sick days of full-stack software engineers team.

A Reliable Partner

Grid Dynamics has 15+ years of experience in the digital transformation of Fortune-1000 US enterprises to create innovative products and experiences. Our distributed teams workflow has been tested in 6+ years period in collaboration with businesses from all over the world. Recognized as a leader among mid-size Agile developers in 2019 by Forrester.

Want to learn more about setting up an extended development team with us?


Frequently Asked Questions

I’m looking to find a team in short terms. Can you help?

  • Yes! We can deploy a team in weeks

What if I want to scale a team to 15 people?

  • You can start from smaller amount and you can scale as much as you need with us!

We want developers with Agile experience. Do you do that?

  • We sure do. Grid Dynamics hire top 10% engineering talent globally.

Opportunity to Build a Team

You won’t build a cohesive team via hiring freelancers or using services of such developer hiring platforms as of job boards and matching providers. At the same time, some project outsourcing vendors provide the opportunity to build a team. 

With our team augmentation services, you can build a full-fledged dedicated team that will work on your project full-time.  

Collaboration Security and Reliability

Outsourcing vendors are the most secure options to hire remote developers. Such companies take care of security and prove it by keeping up with the latest safety requirements and acquiring multiple international certifications.

Hiring developers on your own using developer hiring platforms — matching services (, TopTal), freelance platforms (Upwork, Freelancer), and job boards (Github, Stackoverflow) won’t bring you the necessary security level, as there are such threats as information leakage, breaches, and missed deadlines.   

Level of Client Engagement

Collaboration with an outsourcing company that has a team augmentation option requires a high level of client engagement, as you won’t have a fixed scope to work your way through. With project outsourcing, you won’t have the opportunity to scale a team or change the scope of a project as easily as paying for cloud computing power.

While collaborating with versatile developer hiring platforms like job boards (Github, Stackoverflow) or freelance platforms (Upwork, Freelancer) you’ll have to decide whether to keep developers under strict control or rely on their self-organization.

Widespread Use Cases

Our Team augmentation service fits companies of different sizes – small, medium, and large. Collaboration with dedicated developers matches businesses that are looking for long-term collaboration. 

If software development isn’t at the core of your business, you can hire freelancers on such platforms as Upwork and Freelancer or utilize services of job boards like Github and Stackoverflow. 

Project outsourcing is the model that best matches medium and large companies with predictable requirements, which ensures there’ll be no need to make changes in the development process. But as a big company, you also can benefit from our agile POD team model as you will get a team of engineering in a matter of weeks with ease of scalability – just as easy as in the cloud.

Team Setup

With us, you can set up a full-stack team in weeks (agile POD team) or months (team extension). It all depends on the product, scope, tech stack you need for a project & talent shortage situation.

Level of Developer’s Integration

Full-stack developers are fully integrated & have great tech expertise to deliver you faster & in greater quality. Continuous development & quality automation assures you will save costs in a long run with no need to fix critical issues.

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