Prepare to grow Are you ready to take your startup to the next level? As you make this crucial transition into a young enterprise, it’s essential to address key challenges, especially in today’s dynamic business landscape. At Grid Dynamics, we’re here to help you navigate these challenges effectively: With Grid Dynamics as your business and

The Grid Dynamics delivery model is rooted in four key values that drive our commitment to delivering exceptional results: Customer satisfaction, transparent communications, agile business process management, and technology and capabilities. Delivery excellence in action: Four key values Customer satisfaction: Long-term relationships with customers At Grid Dynamics, we prioritize building long-lasting relationships with our customers. We believe that

Transform IT operations with SRE and AIOps Whether it is a green field product we built for you or an existing system that you have to modernize, we will make sure its efficient and reliable operations. We use a modern digital-native approach to managed services with techniques, such as DevOps, site reliability engineering, and AIOps.

Why Grid Dynamics? Our experience We’ve been building dedicated teams for 15+ years. More than half of our clients have resided in Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Germany. These days we’re taking our expertise globally. Transparency and our custom approach We have a simple and transparent cooperation model which allows us to provide our

Like a cloud, but for engineering We have always believed in massively distributed systems—distributed applications, distributed infrastructure, and distributed teams. Since the inception of the company, we have built over 1,000 products for Fortune 500 companies, with the majority of them implemented by distributed teams. Since we rely on top engineering talent and the utilisation

Access to experienced engineers in emerging technologies is hard Grid Dynamics excels at hiring, training, growing, managing, and retaining specialists in emerging technologies and making them available to clients on demand. We do that by building delivery centers in the cities with the highest number of top technical universities and rich traditions of math, science

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