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The average iOS developer salary worldwide in 2022

Talented iOS developers can be found all over the world, but where they’re located can have a significant impact on their salary. 

According to the data on ZipRecruiter in November 2021, the average iOS developer salary in the United States is $114,614 per year, which comes out to $9,551 per month or $55 per hour. If you need to hire a talented iOS developer for your next project, why not consider hiring a remote developer instead?

The iOS market

Apple developed the iOS operating system for its products, such as the iPhone. Unveiled in 2007, it is the second most popular mobile operating system after Android. Unlike Android, iOS is primarily a closed source model. 

iOS is written in C, C++, Objective-C, Swift and assembly language.

According to GlobalStats,  28.21% of people in the world use iOS, compared to the 71.09% of people who use Android. While it’s a considerable difference, iOS users outnumber Samsung users, who come in at 0.38%.

Data provided by Kantar Group on the global Smartphone OS sales market shows that the gap between iOS (46.8%) and Android (53%) users is much more narrow in the United States. 

The number of iOS users is slightly less in Europe: Germany, 27.6% percent of people use iOS and in Great Britain, it’s 39.4%. 

Conversely, Android dominates the market in Latin America: in Mexico, only 5.7% of people use iOS, and in Brazil, it’s 6.6%.

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The demand for iOS developers

According to Apple, it has over 80,000 employees in the United States. There are 29 US cities with 250 or more Apple employees. However this data includes not only software engineers, and not every iOS developer works for Apple.

How many iOS developers are there in the world, you might be wondering? Based on the data provided by EvansData, there are a total of 2.8 million.

The TIOBE Index lists Swift, which was developed by Apple for iOS, as the 14th most popular programming language in the world. 

What to consider when looking for iOS developers

There are many factors which go into choosing the right iOS developers for your team. If you need developers with many years of experience then they will cost more to hire, and this will obviously have an impact on your budget.

Depending on the specificities of your project, you’ll need to interview either junior (1-4 years of experience), middle (5-9 years of experience) or senior developers (10+ years of experience). Some projects require a team with a mix of all three.

Working with experienced developers costs more money, so in this situation you might want to consider  working with a remote development team in Eastern Europe or Latin America. 

Working with a remote development team saves you time and money, and it is much quicker to upsize or downsize your team.

Native vs cross-platform app development

Sometimes you have to choose between native and cross-platform development when planning your project.

Native development refers to when a mobile app is built for a single platform, such as how Swift and Objective-C are used for iOS apps. However, cross-platform development leads to an app that can run on several platforms.

Flutter, Google’s mobile UI framework, allows developers to build apps that run on both iOS and Android using a single codebase. It uses the Dart programming language.

Cross-platform development apps are less costly because you need fewer developers. However, it lacks the  broad functionality of native app development.

The functionality and user design of cross-platform development apps are usually more limited because mobile UI frameworks like Flutter cannot yet fully reconcile the specificities of different operating systems. 

Although it is cheaper and faster to hire software developers to build a cross-platform app, think carefully, because a native app might be what you really need.

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iOS Developers’ salaries in the United States

Junior Middle Senior
$85,989 $108,586 $123,136

The annual yearly salary for iOS developers in the United States is about $114,614, which comes out to $9,551 per month or $55 per hour.

Hiring a junior developer will cost you $85,989 per year on average, while a middle developer makes $108,586. Senior developers can make upwards of $123,136 per year. 

With their leadership skills and years of experience, a lead iOS engineer earns around $166,999 per year on average, or $80.29 per hour. 

Cities with the highest paying iOS developer salaries

iOS developer salaries in major cities 

The data available on Glassdoor in November 2021 shows that in New York, iOS developers can make as low as $60,000 per year and as high as $163,000. In Toronto, the yearly iOS developer salary ranges between $45,000 and $91,580.

iOS developers in London who are just starting out can make around $49,280 yearly. Middle developers earn $76,380 per year and senior developers – $118,540.

Hiring iOS developers in Tel Aviv can cost you anywhere from $38,010 to $117,830 per year. In Berlin, the yearly cost of hiring one ranges between $51,610 and $79,660.

What is the average iOS developer salary worldwide?

Average iOS developer salaries worldwide 

Average iOS developer salary in Switzerland

Junior Middle Senior
$72,330 $103,260 n/a

According to the data available on PayScale in November 2021, the annual yearly salary for an iOS developer in Switzerland is $101,690. A junior developer makes $72,330 on average and a middle developer $103,260. 

Average iOS developer salary in Australia

Junior Middle Senior
$54,710  $73,480 $80,600

Hiring an iOS developer in Australia will cost you $58,820 per year on average, or $25.15 per hour. A junior developer earns $54,710 yearly, and a middle developer earns $73,480. With their many years of experience, senior developers get about $80,600. 

Average iOS developer salary in Germany

Junior Middle Senior
$56,150 $66,780 $65,780

A junior iOS developer gets $56,150 per year in Germany. Middle developers get around $66,780 and senior developers – $65,780.

As of November 2021, there are 1,089 job listings on Linkedin for iOS developers in Berlin, one of Western Europe’s major tech hubs.

The average yearly salary of iOS developers in Germany is $58,460 or $24.70 per hour. 

Average iOS developer salary in Canada

Junior Middle Senior
$55,400 $66,340 $67,710

The annual salary for an iOS developer in Canada is $57,470 per year, or $19.73 per hour. 

On average junior iOS developers make $55,400 per year. Middle developers make $66,340 and senior developers – $67,710.

Average iOS developer salary in the Netherlands

Junior Middle Senior
$44,840 $61,770 $78,170

Hiring an iOS developer in the Netherlands will cost you $51,150 per year on average, or $65.11 per hour.

A junior iOS developer gets around $44,840 yearly, while a middle developer gets $61,770. Senior developers make $78,170 per year on average.

Average iOS developer salary in the United Kingdom

Junior Middle Senior
$46,420 $66,150 $79,920

A junior iOS developer earns $46,420 per year on average. Middle developers earn $66,150 and senior developers – $79,920.

The average yearly salary of iOS developers in the United Kingdom is $47,840 or $20.33 per hour.

There are 2,003 job listings for iOS developers in London as of November 2021 on Linkedin.

Average iOS developer salary in France

Junior Middle Senior
$44,6740  $65,110 n/a

Hiring an iOS developer in France will cost you $46,240 per year on average. Junior developers make around $44,6740 yearly, and middle developers – $65,110.

Average iOS developer salary in the United Arab Emirates

Junior Middle Senior
$31,040 $38,760 n/a

The average yearly salary of an iOS developer in the United Arab Emirates is $33,460. A junior developer earns around $31,040 and a middle developer – $38,760.

Average iOS developer salary in India

Junior Middle Senior
$14,740 $30,370 $50,430

A junior iOS developer in India can cost you around $14,740 per year. Middle developers get $30,370 and senior developers – $50,430.

The average yearly salary of iOS developers in India is $6,610 or $2.73 per hour. 

iOS Developers’ salaries in Ukraine

Junior Middle Senior Team Lead
$1,250 $2,750 $4,500 $6,000

Hiring a junior iOS developer in Ukraine will cost you $1,250 per month on average. For a middle developer, the cost comes out to $2,750 per month, and for a senior developer – $4,500. A team lead has the highest monthly salary, earning upwards of $6,000.

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Find the best iOS developers with Grid Dynamics

Grid Dynamics is a digital-native technology services provider that accelerates growth and bolsters competitive advantage for Fortune 1000 companies. The company has 15+ years of experience in digital transformation and software innovation, most notably open source cloud-native programs.  

We  provide quality specialists as one might expect in Silicon Valley, but for a better price. Grid Dynamics also has offices in Mexico, Serbia, Poland and Moldova, meaning that we have the resources to cater to the needs of companies at any size, located anywhere in the world.

We can help you successfully hire top iOS developers, so that your company can thrive in the new year. 

Contact us today to learn more!

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