Alia Shkurdoda

Alia Shkurdoda

Alia Shkurdoda is a market analyst at Grid Dynamics, focusing on the CEE tech ecosystem, omnichannel commerce, and smart manufacturing.

Blog posts:

Alia Shkurdoda

Alia Shkurdoda is a market analyst at Grid Dynamics, focusing on the CEE tech ecosystem, omnichannel commerce, and smart manufacturing.

Alia Shkurdoda

Capturing the value of IoT across industries

The article discusses the opportunities and best practices for businesses to capture the value of the Internet of Things (IoT), including examples in smart manufacturing, insurance, and digital commerce. It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach, organizational transformation, and partnerships with technology vendors to fully leverage the potential of IoT.

How insurtechs are transforming the insurance industry

Insurtech companies are using technology innovations such as AI, Big Data, and cloud computing to reshape the insurance industry, driving automation, personalization, and efficiency. These advancements are transforming the insurance value chain, enabling new capabilities, making insurance more accessible, and improving fraud detection and risk prevention.

Consumer-driven manufacturing requires a consumer-centric customer experience

This article discusses the importance of customer-centricity in manufacturing and highlights trends such as digitization, the consumer-to-manufacturer model, product-as-a-service, and cross-industry collaborations. It also provides best practices for delivering exceptional consumer-driven experiences, including building a digital ecosystem, adopting an omnichannel approach, personalization, improving the search experience, and leveraging multimedia.