Computer vision

A personal tailor application using computer vision for online clothing retailers

Recent natural language processing breakthrough in computer vision

How to identify vehicle tires using deep learning visual models

How to build visual traffic analytics with open source: Car tracking and license plates recognition

Visual search: How to find manufacturing parts in a cinch

Street-to-shop: Is the future of fashion visual search?

Using augmented reality in interior & property design: how did we live without it?

Fighting with biases: How to measure diversity in streaming media

How to recognize coins with deep learning visual model

Virtual backgrounds: Real-time deep semantic segmentation on mobile devices

Industrial label recognition made easy with AutoML

What is computer vision and what can it do?

What computer vision services, platforms & solutions are on the market

10 ways computer vision is transforming digital retail

A visual search for dinnerware patterns with

Identifying screws, a practical case study for visual search helps customers find art they love with visual search

Expanding product discovery with ML-powered image similarity search

Creating an image similarity function with TensorFlow and its application in e-commerce

Detecting and correcting e-commerce catalog misattribution with image and text classification using Google TensorFlow

How machine learning can address attribution issues in e-commerce catalogs