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The 9 hottest Netherlands-based fintech startups

Among 628 FinTech startups out there, here are the top 9 (in our perspective) that definitely deserve your attention:

  • Vive
  • BridgeFund
  • CreditClick 
  • Tikkie
  • Tellow
  • Peaks
  • Ockto
  • Oneplanetcrowd 
  • TAXModel 
  • Vive
  • BridgeFund
  • CreditClick 
  • Tikkie
  • Tellow
  • Peaks
  • Ockto
  • Oneplanetcrowd 
  • TAXModel 

Vive – Make your financial goals come true

Vive logo
Vive logo
VIVE is a smart goal-driven investment app, that helps you realize your financial goals. Invest for a trip, tuition for your children, a supplement to your pension plan or just for capital accumulation.
Website: https://www.viveapp.com/
What problem they solve: The application helps people reach their financial goals or improve their financial situation regardless of their background, understanding of financial services, income, or lifestyle. They can achieve whatever they have in mind: be it a house, a computer or simply saving money.

How it works: Just download the app from the Google App or Google Play Store. Then, complete the onboarding process: provide your first name, your email address and answer a few questions about your financial situation. After you have answered, the app takes this information into consideration and defines how much money you may contribute each month.

Bridgefund: Automated where possible – humane when necessary

Bridgefund logo
Bridgefund logo
BridgeFund is a financial platform that helps entrepreneurs realize their growth ambitions by providing loans in a simple, fast, and flexible way.
Website: https://www.bridgefund.nl/
What problem they solve: Nowadays, Banking systems have become too hesitant and slow when it comes to offering loans. Even after dozens of questions, paperwork and a lot of hassle, you have to wait on average 6 weeks for their decision. Business opportunities and growth ambitions can be lost during that time. 
Bridgefund team
Bridgefund team
Fortunately, BridgeFund helps you arrange your own business loan independently within just 5 minutes without the intervention of a bank. You can quickly get working capital for purchasing machines, inventory, stocks, or bridging debtors. It is also possible to borrow money for growth and expansion expenditures – these include opening a new office/branch, running a marketing campaign, or launching a new website. It has never been easier to invest in the growth of your company and take it to the next level.
How it works: You can apply entirely online and the same working day you’ll find out whether you are eligible for a business loan or not, and if approved – what your lending ceiling is. Repayment is charged automatically on a daily basis. Paying each day a bit releases you from accumulating a greater refund per month.
As soon as the debit authorization from your bank is received, you get the money and can get back to your business.
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Creditclick – Digital gateway between you and the e-commerce world

Creditclick logo
Creditclick logo
CreditClick is a new responsible payment method for your online purchases. It aims to help you enjoy online shopping, allowing you to pay installments.
Website: https://www.creditclick.eu/en/
What problem they solve: Maybe you don’t have enough money to pay a single sum or you found something with a large discount, but are currently unable to handle the expense. Instead of struggling to save money to pay immediately, CreditClick gives you the chance to split the price into several parts and to let you pay over the next few months.

How it works: You have to choose “CreditClick” as a payment method during the checkout procedure. Complete the registration form to become a new CreditClick client and be approved by the credit supplier. After you have signed a digital agreement, you can use the loan to pay for your purchase. The whole process does not exceed 5 minutes if you have all of the necessary information at hand.

Tikkie – Makes paying super simple

Euro currency symbol
Euro currency symbol
Tikkie is a payment app that allows consumers to send payment requests via WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Messenger, e-mail or any other social media. This app lets you pay super fast, without having to fill in an entire list of data. 
Website: https://www.tikkie.me/
What problem they solve: You want to transfer money quickly to a friend, but have lost their account number? Or your customers forget to pay your invoices? With Tikkie, payments that first made you wait for weeks can be now paid immediately. It is reported that 80% of requests sent are paid within 1 minute.

How it works: You send your customers, friends, family, or acquaintances a link with a payment request via messenger, email or any other social media. This link is the message that your customers can use to pay directly. Additionally, Tikkie keeps track of who has and has not paid.

Tellow – Entrepreneurs find accounting a party with Tellow

Tellow logo
Tellow logo
Tellow is a financial application that aims to ensure you don’t face problems administering compulsory payments if you’re a freelancer or a self-employed person.
Website: https://www.tellow.nl/home/
What problem they solve: According to the CBS, self-employed people are more motivated in their work. That’s why more and more professionals opt to work for themselves.

However, being self-employed also implies dealing with all of the income taxes on your own. Tellow works as your personal assistant: it helps you manage your finances, warning you about upcoming tax charges and other receipts that need to be paid. With Tellow you: 

  • Will never lose receipts or miss out money
  • Will never be surprised by how much VAT you have to pay or receive
  • Will never doubt whether invoices have been paid
  • Can process your vouchers completely automatically.
  • Will never lose receipts or miss out money
  • Will never be surprised by how much VAT you have to pay or receive
  • Will never doubt whether invoices have been paid
  • Can process your vouchers completely automatically.

Thanks Tellow you will receive a notification when your invoice is paid. And if not? Then Tellow will create a reminder for you. The application calculates with the accuracy of one cent, so say goodbye to procrastination and fines!

Peaks – When investing becomes a breeze

Peaks logo
Peaks logo
Peaks is an app that helps anybody who wishes to start investing and attain financial freedom. Not just those who follow the stock market trends and read The Financial Times can start investing – all you need is a bank account, a little money, and some patience.
Website: https://www.peaks.com/

With Peaks, setting money aside is easy and effortless. You can even invest the spare change from your bank transactions.  If you buy groceries for €9.20, you automatically save up €0.80, which is then deposited into your investment account. Over time, these small regular amounts grow into a sizeable investment.

The longer you keep investing, the more your money will work for you. This is called the return-on-investment effect. The app also ensures your long-term financial freedom, because Peaks doesn’t hold back your money, you can withdraw funds anytime you want.

How does it work: You only need to decide which portfolio and which investment best fits you. If your situation changes, you can adjust your settings at any time.

A book with the title Your guide to nearshore software development in Eastern Ukraine
Guide to Nearshore Software Development in Eastern Europe

Software development market statistics of the tech countries — Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, and Croatia.

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Ockto – The shortest route to build your financial profile

Ockto logo
Ockto logo
Ockto ensures consumers can quickly and easily collect financial information about their household and share it with their advisor, bank, mortgage provider, or other financial service providers.
Website: https://www.ockto.nl/
What problem they solve: A lot of time is currently wasted on searching, collecting, filling and checking all of the financial information about a person. 
Onto team members
Onto team members
With the Ockto app, the collection of data is not only faster, but also the quality of information is better. The data is more reliable because it’s retrieved directly from governmental data sources. As a result, the financial advisor has more time to provide relevant financial advice based on reliable information.
How does it work: You log into the websites that possess your financial information (such as the Tax Authorities). Ockto collects the required data and displays it in the app. You check the data and send it to a consultant. Step by step, Ockto builds your personal financial profile. With the app, you collect and share your data quickly, easily, and securely. Ockto encrypts your personal information to ensure the security of the data.

Oneplanetcrowd – People, Planet, profit

One planet crowd logo
One planet crowd logo
Oneplanetcrowd is a Dutch crowdfunding platform. It offers rewards, donations, and debt crowdfunding for sustainable companies and investors.
Website: https://www.oneplanetcrowd.com/nl/

What problem they solve: Company creators believe that sustainable innovation can make the world a better place. Oneplanetcrowd brings together innovative companies and future-oriented investors to help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy. Some of their projects include: the acceleration of energy transition, speeding up the transition to electric driving, and making solar energy available to everyone in the Netherlands. All companies at Oneplanetcrowd contribute to one or more sustainable development goals.

One of the Oneplanetcrowd Projects: 

A book with the title How to calculate software development costs
How to Calculate Offshore Software Development Costs in 2022

Everything you need to know about offshore software development cost structure: direct costs, ad-hoc costs, offshore developer rates, and more.

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TAXModel – Your partner in international tax

Taxmodel logo
Taxmodel logo
TaxModel is a fintech company offering software solutions connected with automating international direct tax workflows, namely – transfer pricing, tax provisioning, forecasting and supporting tools.
Website: https://tax-model.com/
The software solutions are developed by and for tax professionals, in order to make your tax work faster, easier, and more efficiently. They also offer all-round control of building and maintaining transfer pricing documentation for multinationals, both globally and locally. Each solution released to the market is developed with the highest technology standards and aims to make tax workflows transparent and manageable for all companies. 

One of The Solutions: 

Do you have a bright Fintech idea and looking for developers? Just drop us a line.

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