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7 IT outsourcing case studies every startup can learn from

In today’s competitive labor market, finding and retaining top talent is a crucial challenge for companies looking to meet their strategic goals. To build their future workforce, more and more IT firms are thinking beyond traditional hiring approaches and exploring expanded talent sourcing ecosystems that incorporate external service providers.

Inspired by the numerous successful outsourcing examples of startups and industry leaders, businesses are recognizing the benefits of remote teams. For one thing, hiring offshore developers allows them to access a global talent pool beyond their immediate locale and enhance long-term workforce planning. Outsourcing also solves a number of issues from cutting software development costs to finding niche technical skills.

In this blog, we will take a deeper look at seven compelling case studies of innovative startups that have embraced offshore teams. The examples provide insightful models for companies looking to unlock greater potential through effective outsourcing.

Outsourcing – a key to harnessing expertise across business functions

Considering the global tech talent shortage, outsourcing is becoming a desirable option for businesses looking to gain access to new capabilities and specialized skills. As many companies are facing the challenge of technology changes outpacing feasible adoption timelines, they are leveraging external partners to quickly bridge skill gaps and stay competitive and responsive in a climate of fast-paced innovation.

Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey shows that 76% of companies rely on third-party providers for delivering their IT services. The study highlights that while outsourcing was once seen primarily as a means to eliminate routine tasks, allowing internal technology teams to focus on core competencies and innovation, the attitude towards this business practice has changed considerably over the past two decades. It is now valued for providing access to specialized capabilities across a wide range of IT functions.

In-house vs. outsorcing: IT functions (Source: Deloitte)

While IT is leading the charge in adopting third-party service delivery, outsourcing now encompasses many business activities. Numerous departments beyond tech can benefit from outsourcing including HR, finance, customer support, marketing, legal, and more.

In-house vs. outsorcing: Business functions (Source: Deloitte)

Outsourcing examples of companies built by remote teams

With the rise of global connectivity, a growing number of companies worldwide are building distributed offshore teams to develop software and services. This trend allows enterprises to tap into the global talent pool and expand their reach.

By examining case studies of forward-thinking startups that use remote teams, we can see how they leverage these distributed teams to grow their business, outpace competitors, and access global markets. Here are ten successful outsourcing examples that illustrate these benefits:


pricena logo
pricena logo
Pricena is a price comparison platform that has been empowering savvy shoppers across the Middle East and Africa since 2013. By aggregating real-time product data, it provides users with the most accurate and up-to-date details to make informed purchasing decisions. It enables users to easily search and compare prices across a vast range of products – from electronics and home appliances to fashion and everything in between.
Within two years of the platform’s launch, Pricena recognized the need to expand to mobile apps to reach more shoppers. In June 2015, they partnered with Grid Dynamics to hire mobile developers to build iOS and Android apps. 

This move proved to be a wise one. Within just six months, Pricena’s new Android app amassed over 50K downloads and a 4.3-star rating on Google Play. Given the tremendous success of the mobile apps in a short period, it was no surprise when Pricena won the Online Startup of the Year award for 2015.

Riding this momentum, Pricena decided to further improve the customer experience by updating the web version of their platform. They hired a full-stack engineer to lead the web development efforts. The goal was to provide seamless integration between the mobile apps and the web platform.

The series of technology investments allowed Pricena to make major strides forward. Today, the company provides a unified user experience across all major platforms and devices. Omnichannel availability, well-designed features, and pricing comparison capabilities have become a key competitive advantage for the company, allowing it to take the lead in the MENA market.

A book with the title A guide to offshore developer rates
Offshore Developer Rates Guide

Get outsourcing rates in Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa as well as tips on how to choose the country for offshore development.

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Curiositystream is a global video streaming service that offers a wide variety of documentaries, series, shows, podcasts, and audio courses to satisfy viewers’ curiosity about the world. With thousands of titles covering topics like science, nature, history, technology, travel, crime, adventure, and more, the platform aims to be a one-stop destination for high-quality factual entertainment.
As a budding startup seeking to expand its business offerings and scale up its services, Curiositystream soon recognized the need to build a larger tech team to achieve these growth goals. After assessing the talent gaps in the local IT market, the company decided to leverage outsourcing services to fill key engineering positions with experienced specialists.

In 2019, Curiositystream hired a team of six programmers, who helped them develop the video feature for the web version of the platform and background playback capability for mobile applications. Introducing new functionality led to a significant increase in the number of hours watched. 

Andre Silva, CTO at Curiositystream, commented on the company’s outsourcing strategy: “Outsourcing is of great value for a business, as hiring remotely makes it easier to scale. The main advice – try to figure out a way to integrate the offshore team with the on-site one. It can be challenging, but the return on investment is definitely worth it.”


Studytube logo
Studytube logo
Studytube is an Amsterdam-based startup that provides B2B educational solutions. The company operates an e-learning platform that allows organizations to manage, distribute, and share knowledge internally. Studytube develops customized training and educational content tailored to its clients’ unique needs and goals, enabling businesses to build and maintain an educated, skilled workforce.
The company initially relied on part-time engineers as a cost reduction measure. However, Studytube soon realized this approach was not well-suited for building a robust, enterprise-level product. Therefore, the company decided to change their talent strategy and source engineering talent nearshore. 

Seeking to access dedicated, highly-skilled tech professionals, Studytube opted to build an outsourced development team in Ukraine. This move aligned with the company’s priorities for expanding platform capabilities and accelerating innovation. Since switching to nearshore engineering, the startup has been able to build momentum and scale more efficiently. This strategic decision has already enabled Studytube to secure three rounds of investment totaling €1.5 million.

A book with the title Your guide to nearshore software development in Eastern Ukraine
Guide to Nearshore Software Development in Eastern Europe

Software development market statistics of the tech countries — Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, and Croatia.

Download a guide


slack logo
slack logo
Slack is a world-renowned instant messaging tool for professional and organizational communications. The app facilitates real-time messaging, file-sharing, and collaboration across devices. 
Slack’s success story is one of the best examples of strategic IT outsourcing. In its early days, the company partnered with the Canadian design team MetaLab to help turn their early prototype into a polished product. The scope of work included logo design, marketing website development, and the release of web and mobile applications. 

By collaborating with MetaLab, the Slack team received valuable feedback that helped to evolve the minimal viable product into a user-friendly tool ready for widespread adoption. Within two weeks following its launch, the platform gained a remarkable 15K users.

Today, the service boasts an impressive 20 million active users. It has been integrated into the daily business activities of high-profile organizations including IBM, BBC, and Oracle.


Widgetbrain logo
Widgetbrain logo
Widgetbrain is a Netherlands-based startup that helps organizations optimize their business using artificial intelligence. Thanks to AI-powered capabilities companies can forecast peak and down periods in demand and automate their workforce scheduling. It helps them to reduce labor costs, improve business performance and compliance, and boost employee happiness by focusing on their preferences and skills.
Widgetbrain’s decision to outsource its IT functions became a game-changer for the company. Nearshoring to Eastern Europe not only provided quality work at feasible costs but also fuelled the platform’s growth leading to its recognition as one of the hottest Dutch startups of 2018.

Check out Widgetbrain’s outsourcing success story:


oktopost logo
oktopost logo
Oktopost, a social media management platform, was launched in 2013. They operated in three countries and had 22 employees –14 in Israel, 3 in Ukraine, and 5 in the U.S. 
In 2018, Oktopost partnered with Grid Dynamics to access additional software engineering talent and extend the development team. Tapping into offshore talent enabled the budding startup to make progress on services that had posed struggles before. Working with remote engineers also allowed Octopost to improve their product roadmap, scale their business, and eventually attract more customers.


Vive logo
Vive logo
Vive, a Netherlands-based startup, offers a personalized investment app to help professionals and freelancers achieve financial health. 
As an early-stage startup, Vive struggled to attract top local developers who were lured away by the lucrative salaries offered by tech giants. This changed for the better when the company began collaborating with a remote team of talented Ukrainian developers. By tapping into the offshore talent pool, Vive gained access to skilled technical experts to drive their product development, overcoming hiring hurdles they initially faced in the local IT market.

Rogier Roukens, the CTO of Vive, stated that he was impressed not only by Ukrainian developers’ level of education, experience, and English but also by their investment in the project’s success. “We have the same goals, which creates a special team feeling and I think our Ukrainian developers are a really important part of that.”

Grow your business with Grid Dynamics

Given the proven benefits of outsourcing like cost savings, access to specialized skills, and flexibility to scale resources up or down, and the shifting mindset toward embracing blended workforces, its adoption levels will continue to rise. As companies navigate the ever-evolving landscape of global innovation, this cooperation model provides the adaptability and capacity that is essential for driving business growth over the long term. 

If you consider leveraging the benefits of IT outsourcing, Grid Dynamics is here to help. We can help you build a remote team perfectly suited to your unique business needs and technology requirements. With our expertise in offshore product development, we can assemble an engineering team with the precise skills and experience necessary to successfully deliver your project. 

Our process is pretty straightforward:

  • Provide us with your software development needs and desired team size. Whether you need one developer or a full team, we are here to assist.
  • Interview the candidates from a pre-screened pool of engineers that best suits your project specifications.
  • Once assembled, your team works under your command. We help you establish effective cooperation and implement robust retention initiatives to minimize turnover and maintain the satisfaction of your remote employees.
  • Stay focused on driving your development process forward while we handle administrative tasks like taxes, payroll, office management, HR, and more.

If you are ready to explore the opportunities offered by our model, get in touch with us!

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    7 IT outsourcing case studies every startup can learn from

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