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Conversion rate uplift


feature speed-to-market increase


increase in merchandising team productivity


decrease in environment & infrastructure costs


successful Fortune-500 migrations

Battle-proven phased approach


Achieve fastest time to market while keep risk of replatforming under control

We take a phased migration approach where we chip away Endeca responsibilities one-by-one. This means the new platform is gradually launched to production in the cloud while maintaining backward compatibility with EXM until new merchandising and CMS platforms are integrated and adopted by business users.


Let your customers stop searching and start finding

Our AI-enabled search solution  is based on open source foundation with cloud deployment and represents a decade of experience building product discovery services for Fortune-500 customers.

Our advanced query processing and ranking algorithms are based on machine learning analysis of customer engagement data and drive results relevance to the next level compared to Endeca

AI-enabled search
Open architecture


Unlock your team’s innovation potential

Forget about black box, on premises, my-way-or-highway world of Endeca. With modern MACH approach you can employ Microservices, APIs, Cloud and Headless CMS to achieve 10x faster speed-to-market, flexibility and resilience of the cloud-based product discovery ecosystem.


Improve merchandiser’s productivity with AI-based automation and search analytics

Your merchandisers need to focus on the most important areas of business to drive sales. Breaking from limitations of Endeca rigid rule system, merchandisers can better manage and curate customer experience with flexible business rules managed with cloud-based workbench. AI-based product ranking and facet selection are of a great help to automate away routine decisions. Search analytics and fully explainable results will help to optimize search and browse results.

AI-assisted merchandising
Modern headless CMS


Improve productivity of your content managers by migrating to modern headless cloud CMS and provide easy, secured access to your content to the whole enterprise

With full support of preview & publish, data versioning, audit trail, workflow automation, digital asset management, multi-language support and many other features of modern CMS software, your content managers will focus on what matters most – creation of the best content for your product pages.


Your customer’s product discovery journey starts with the search box. Make the search box experience feel like magic with smart autocomplete and instant search.

Expose breadth and depth of your catalog with highly relevant suggested queries, be tolerant to typos, and learn from your customer queries.

Instantly find most popular products without needing to go into the search result page.

Smart autocomplete


Track prices, offers and promotions both online and in-store, in real time

Few things can be as frustrating for the shopper as discovering on the checkout page that the product they selected is no longer available.

Forget about stale Endeca index and stream changes in your catalog, prices, or inventory. With a new real- time cloud-based search system, changes are visible for your customers in seconds.

Our clients

Google logo
Paypal logo
macy's brand logo


Neiman Marcus logo
Grandvision logo
macy's brand logo
Lowes logo
Logo of American Eagle


Google logo
Verizon logo
IAS logo
2k logo
curiositystream brand logo


Jabil logo
Stanley Black&Decker logo
Levis logo
Boston Scientific logo
Tesla logo


Paypal logo
SunTrust logo
logo of travelers brand
Raymond James logo
risers logo
Marchmilennan logo


align logo
Rally logo
talix logo
Vertex logo
Merck logo

Accelerate implementation with our Endeca migration blueprint

We created our Endeca migration blueprint based on experience and lessons learned in our large scale implementations with Fortune-500 enterprises. Our strategy is focused on open source and cloud native software, microservices and APIs approach. We rely on containerisation and K8s for seamless deployment and support of any major cloud partner: AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure.

Accelerate implementation with our Endeca migration blueprint


  • Open architecture Open source technologies and open cloud native architectures unlock innovation within your ecommerce platform
  • Semantic search Advanced query understanding with concept search service and natural language processing.
  • Elasticity and peak readiness Cloud infrastructure provides just-in-time capacity and high availability
  • Highly scalable and robust Share-nothing microservices ensures high scalability and resilience
  • Data scalability. From tens of thousands to hundreds of millions items in the catalog – horizontally scalable search indexes scale with your data.
  • High throughput. Battle tested cloud architecture handling thousands of parallel sessions.
  • Low latency Optimized search indexes deliver under 100 ms latency for most queries

Technology stack

  • Infrastructure: AWS, GCP or Microsoft Azure – all major cloud providers are supported. Private cloud option is available as well
  • Orchestration: K8s or its cloud wrappers
  • Search engine: Elasticsearch or Solr Cloud
  • Microservices: Spring Boot or Netflix stack
  • CMS: wide choice of open source and cloud headless CMS
  • Messaging: Kafka or cloud native messaging services

Read more about our Endeca replatforming case studies

Get started with Endeca migration

We provide flexible engagement options to migrate from Endeca. Contact us today to start with a workshop, discovery, or PoC.

More Search solutions

Semantic vector search


Open source search


Visual search solutions


Smart autosuggest


Search performance engineering


Lucidworks solutions


commercetools solutions


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