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Digital transformation is all about serving customers better. As financial services firms embrace technology-driven customer-centricity, their success hinges on knowing which technologies to select, implement, and deploy, and putting in place the organizational structures, policies, and processes that allow them to take full advantage of these technologies.

Customer-Facing Technologies Conference looks at the tools and technologies that enable world class customer facing experiences. It also addresses emerging customer-facing technologies which enable “the human factor” and how financial services firms can position them in the service of building, deepening, and enriching human relationships. Thought-leadership presentations and a panel discussion will address topics such as next-generation collaboration; advanced digital service; securing collaboration interactions; Integration tools, technologies, and processes, and more.

Come see our talk on “A Geographic Perspective to Underserved Customers in the Digital Economy” from 11:25 AM – 11:45 AM on October 20th!

Earn up to 4.0 CPE credits at this event!


We are speaking at Customer-Facing Technologies

Rajeev Sharma

Chief Technology Officer at Grid Dynamics

We are speaking at Customer-Facing Technologies

Rajeev Sharma

Chief Technology Officer at Grid Dynamics

Rajeev has built his career by creating technology products and solutions, leading the teams that help bring innovations to the market. He’s held executive roles in Pactera Edge and Ness Digital Engineering, and he was the CEO for nova IQ, a successful AI startup. He has an impressive military background, serving many years in combat operations and being hand-picked by the former President of India to serve in the Agni Missile Program. Rajeev also has an extensive graduate program in engineering, as well as a business degree from the prestigious MIT Sloan School of Management.

Topics include

Digital Transformation

and more…


6:25 PM 6:45 PM

A Geographic Perspective to Underserved Customers in the Digital Economy

Rajeev Sharma, CTO at Grid Dynamics


Rajeev Sharma is the Chief Technology Officer at Grid Dynamics. He has 25+ years of engineering and leadership experience. Mr. Sharma was awarded the Scientist of the Year award for his work on the Design of Agni-III Solid Rocket Propulsion systems. He holds a Master’s degree in Management & Systems Design from MIT Sloan and a Master’s degree in Space Engineering & Rocketry (BIT MESRA) from Birla Institute of Technology.

Convene – Downtown Liberty, 1 Liberty Plaza, New York NY 10006, US

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